lazy greyhound

bouncing pixel greyhound

august 2023

The first assets have started to be created! Starting with an exploration into Aesprite to develop the pixel hound and playing with tile maps for colour concepts. The plan at this stage is to develop some mini games as a part of the project starting with a runner-type game. We will be using Unity and Aesprite to develop this 2D mini-game.

The excited is growing with all the ideas flowing into some Miro board mind maps. From here more mini-game ideas will likely grow and become a part of the lazy greyhound game experience.

greyhound development studio
screenshot of Aesprite retro interface with purple tile map in a mockup level

june 2023

Stay tuned as our dedicated development team brings lazy greyhound to life. We are pouring our passion and creativity into crafting an unforgettable gaming experience that will leave a lasting impression. We can't wait to share this cozy adventure with you and create a community of players who appreciate the beauty of relaxation and the magic of a lazy greyhound's dreams.

Join us on this journey and be among the first to experience the heartwarming charm of lazy greyhound. Follow our progress, engage with our development updates, and get ready to embark on a cozy adventure like no other.

greyhound development studio
black greyhound face popping out of a pink container bath

may 2023

Allow us to introduce you to Demi, the four-legged inspiration behind the enchanting pixels of lazy greyhound. In 2017, Demi found her forever home after sharing her signature "lean" or affectionate greyhound hugs with her future owner.

Our game is a heartfelt fusion of our adoration for greyhounds, cozy gaming, and our deep desire to showcase these magnificent creatures as the epitome of beautiful, lazy pets. Demi's charming presence and laid-back nature have served as a catalyst, igniting our passion to create a captivating experience that celebrates the unique charm of greyhounds.

With lazy greyhound, we aim to transport players into a world where the coziness of gaming intertwines seamlessly with the gentle grace and leisurely demeanor of these incredible animals. By showcasing the delightful aspects of being a greyhound owner, we hope to promote the adoption and appreciation of these majestic creatures as treasured companions in our lives.

Join us as we embark on this heartwarming adventure, crafted with love and driven by our shared devotion to greyhounds and the magic of cozy games. Let lazy greyhound be your guide to discover the beauty and tranquility of life alongside these incredible, lazy pets.

greyhound development studio
black greyhound sitting down with blankets under and behind